AWL Sublist 1

Don’t just stop and think about the last ten minutes – think about the rest of your activities that have occurred today.

  You then had some sort of trip to your place of work. For most of us that involved a drive, for some that involved public transportation, and for a lucky few it involved some sort of physical activity such as your bicycle or a walk.

  As safety, environmental and health (HES) professionals we know each of the activities listed above has some sort of risk associated with them.

 Do we really stop and take the time to assess, mitigate, and reduce the potential risks?

Red line is level 1.
Green line is level 2.
Black line is level 3.
Blue line is level 4.


  1. assess, mitigate, and reduce the potential risks = 潜在的リスクを評価し、軽減し、減らす(こと)
    As safety, environmental and health (HES) professionals = HES専門家として、




Today's exercises 2

My profile

Today's exercises 3