
Book series review

Academic writing (2018.9.10-12) ATAMA-ii series: Frankly to yourself, Truly to yourself, As it is to yourself Mamoru Matsue Nozomi Koga Sawa Koyama Taro Kitagwa What is about Atama-ii Books? “Atama-ii Books is an international publisher specializing in English      language teaching materials. Our multi-path adventure graded reader series has won or been shortlisted for several of the top awards in the industry, including the British Council ELTons and the Language Learner Literature Award.” (Official page of atama-ii books, 2018, http://www.atama-ii.com/) Atama-ii Books is 10 easy English adventures with 8 different endings. In the Atama-ii series, you who are the reader make decisions that lead to one of eight different endings. This book makes the fun stories for students and also re-readable many times. It’s a great way to build reading fluency and confidence.                                         Difficulty: 300 headwords Length: 2,500 words of story

Comments on the course

Thanks to Academic writing, I thought I want to study English more and go abroad. Writing English is difficult for me, but if I practice writing English, I will be able to write my idea and convey my thought. Also, I enjoyed quizlet. I could talk some people and study English enjoyably. Furthermore, Rick teacher is tender and helped me write English. I will try to write English every day.

My errors

My error is to forget to open a blank after a comma and a period mainly. I think that this mistake will be recoverd if I am concious and I confirm whether there are not mistakes frequently. I will try to confirm them after I finish writing sentences.

Today's exercises 3

Exercises 3.2 ○As can be seen from Table Ⅱ,participation figures have been steadily falling since 1970. ○Different authors have account for the President's actions in different ways. ○Mendel attempted to devise a system for classify the many different types of pea plant that he grew. ○It is often most effective to present your data in a chart or table. ○The data we have collected shows that three has been a downward trend with regard to job satisfaction over the last 50 years. ○The aim of the research is to develop a new software application which will help aviation engineers design more sophisticated aircraft. ○The archaeologists should be able to use carbon dating techniques to establish exactly how old the bones are. ○Charles Darwin attempted to explain the existence of different species in terms of evolution.

Today's exercises 2

Today's exercises ○Environmental issues should be at the top of today's political agenda. ○In the exam students had to choose three from a choice of ten essay topics. ○There are still people who are reluctant to accept Darwin's theory of evolution. ○The professor decided to take moral courage as the theme of his inaugural lecture.

AWL Sublist 1

Don’t just stop and think about the last ten minutes – think about the rest of your activities that have occurred today.  決して止まったりせず、最後の10分、つまり今日起こったあなたの活動の残りについて考えないで。    You then had some sort of trip to your place of work. For most of us that involved a drive, for some that involved public transportation , and for a lucky few it involved some sort of physical activity such as your bicycle or a walk.  あなたは、仕事場所へのある種の行動手段がある。ほとんどの人にとっては車を含み、いくらかは公共の乗り物、そしてごくわずかの人は、自転車や徒歩のような肉体的な行動が含まれている。   As safety, environmental and health (HES) professionals we know each of the activities listed above has some sort of risk associated with them. HES専門家として、私たちはそれらと結びつくある種の危険を持つ上にリスト化されたそれぞれの活動を知っている。  Do we really stop and take the time to assess , mitigate, and reduce the potential risks?  私たちは、本当に止まって、潜在的リスクを評価し、軽減し減らす時間をとるのか。 Red line is level 1. Green line is level 2. Black line is level 3. Blue line is level 4.

Today's exercises 1

      Today's exercises     A . I saw her turn to her husband and whisper something in his ear.     B. Let us now turn to the subject of town planning.