Book series review

Academic writing (2018.9.10-12)
ATAMA-ii series: Frankly to yourself, Truly to yourself, As it is to yourself
Mamoru Matsue
Nozomi Koga
Sawa Koyama
Taro Kitagwa

What is about Atama-ii Books?

“Atama-ii Books is an international publisher specializing in English      language teaching materials. Our multi-path adventure graded reader series has won or been shortlisted for several of the top awards in the industry, including the British Council ELTons and the Language Learner Literature Award.” (Official page of atama-ii books, 2018,
Atama-ii Books is 10 easy English adventures with 8 different endings. In the Atama-ii series, you who are the reader make decisions that lead to one of eight different endings. This book makes the fun stories for students and also re-readable many times. It’s a great way to build reading fluency and confidence.                                        
Difficulty: 300 headwords
Length: 2,500 words of story
Pages: 23 text pages/23 illustrations (8/8 per story thread; 8 endings total)  
There are many funny stories!!!                            
  • Zombies in Tokyo
Sawatan & Taroron
I am really flustered. This is not only a scary story but also an interesting story. I think that they are very scared of the zombies but they can probably laugh while eating. I can't come up with the story, so I feel this book is interesting.
  • Backstage pass
The story will progress depending on my choices. I was able to read while thinking what to do myself so I felt I have entered the story even more. With realistic settings, there were many scenes that were very easy to imagine. In my choices, there are some pranks such as invading, pretending not to look and it is very interesting content.
  • Hunter in the darkness
I became sad and angry. If my family and friends were killed, I would despair. Vampires are very bad ! I was scared of vampires. Also, I thought it is good that a hunter and villagers cooperate. Finally, the hunter helped the villagers, so I'm happy.

Official page of atama-ii books, 2018,
Official page of, 2011,



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